Sunday 6 July 2014

Cream Tea School Fair..

On Tuesday, the group of us going to Borneo all put on an event at our school.  We sold Cream Teas and coffee's to local people, friends and family.

There was a selected group of people who sold the cream teas and were waitresses and waitor's.  There were also personal stalls to help personal fundraising.  I had my own stall selling left over stock from the Barrington Theatre sale earlier on in the month.

I mainly sold bagged sweets, but I also sold pencils, bracelets and earring sets and some other bits.  I personally made £29 towards my total of £4,000.

But as a group we all have to raise money to get to the airport and back.  At this event as a group we made £300 selling our cream teas and scones.  This means now that we have enough money to be able to pay for a coach to take us to the airport.  Out next challenge is raising the money to get us back from the airport afterwards.

Thank You for Reading
Chloe X

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