Monday 2 June 2014

My Fundraising Story So Far..

I signed up to go to Borneo in November last year, therefore have had just over 6 out of my total 18 months to fund raise.  In this time I have raised just over £2,000. 'HALF WAY!'

My first event was a Christmas sale at an Infant school in my local area.  This fundraiser earnt me some money (about £15), but it was mainly paying back my mum for all the stock, so this year I can sell it and make full profit.

Kayleigh and I : Christmas Fate
My friend Kayleigh who is also fundraising to go to Borneo did another little fundraiser with me which was putting leaflets through peoples doors.  We got paid to do this by a local business man!

We have also been busy baking cakes for our parent's work.  And at Christmas time we decorated them all Christmassy these were a great success.

In March I had a girls night!

 In preparation for the girls night I made lots of different things which I could sell.

Some of these were:
   1. Bracelets
   2. Bagged Sweets
   3. Earrings
   4. Novelty Chocolates
   5. Candles

As well as this I also wrote to some local businesses explaining what I was doing and was kindly given some donations for me to be able to do a raffle as well.

Here is a photo of me with my fully prepared table for the girls night fundraiser.

In total the fundraiser earnt me about £120.

Sweet Sales at School..

During the first few months of fundraising, my main fund raiser was selling sweets and chocolate at school.  And what I did was buy sweets in bulk and divide them all into bags to sell to pupils at my school.  My first sweet sale earnt me over £90.  I also melted chocolate into novelty things such as pizza slices, mice, hearts for valetines day etc, and I also made some sugar mice and coconut ices.  These all sold really well.  

Sorry this was a really long post, but I have done an array of different fundraisers which have been earning me money for my expedition and I wanted to display as many as possible! 

Thank You for reading 

Chloe X

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