Monday 2 June 2014

Sponsored Walk..

On good Friday, a friend and I walked a full marathon plus an extra 4 miles, as a fundraiser.  We walked at total of 30 miles over the day.  On our hike we walked throughout the New Forest.

We did this fundraiser in fancy dress and we chose to dress up as fairies in walking boots!

Kayleigh and I : Before we set off.
We started walking at 6:30 in the morning, because we didn't want to be walking too long in the sun.   
The first 10 miles went very well and we walked at a quick pace as we knew our mum's were going to be at the checkpoint with hot bacon rolls!

After our quick break we were due to walk another 6 miles until we got to our next checkpoint for lunch.  However we went on a slight accidental detour and walked an extra 4 miles.

When we finished we were tired but pleased we had completed a full marathon!  
This was us walking through our finish line and celebrating afterwards!

In total the marathon walk raised me just over £1,500 towards my total £4,000! Thank you everyone who sponsored me!

Chloe X

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