Sunday 6 July 2014

Cream Tea School Fair..

On Tuesday, the group of us going to Borneo all put on an event at our school.  We sold Cream Teas and coffee's to local people, friends and family.

There was a selected group of people who sold the cream teas and were waitresses and waitor's.  There were also personal stalls to help personal fundraising.  I had my own stall selling left over stock from the Barrington Theatre sale earlier on in the month.

I mainly sold bagged sweets, but I also sold pencils, bracelets and earring sets and some other bits.  I personally made £29 towards my total of £4,000.

But as a group we all have to raise money to get to the airport and back.  At this event as a group we made £300 selling our cream teas and scones.  This means now that we have enough money to be able to pay for a coach to take us to the airport.  Out next challenge is raising the money to get us back from the airport afterwards.

Thank You for Reading
Chloe X

Saturday 14 June 2014

Barrington Theatre Sale..

Today me and my friend Kayleigh went to the Barrington theatre and had a stall there.  The theme of the market was 'rustic', Kayleigh and I tried to make as many 'rustic-y' things to sell as possible.

In the end I sold a wide variety of different things such as:

  1. Chocolate pizza slices
  2. Bracelets
  3. Earrings
  4. Wall decor 
  5. Candle pots
  6. Lavender and rose bags
  7. Pencils with rubbers
  8. and wall decorations for children's bedrooms.

We went to the fate with the intention to sell out of stock as we had heard that they are usually very busy.  However today there wasn't many people about which meant we sold very little.  We arrived at about 8:30 and were there until 3:00.  At about 12 Kayleigh and I thought we would move outside the entrance as we were right next to the local supermarket,  this helped Kayleigh sell a few more of her cakes she had made yesterday.  

The stall we had was 7 foot and cost us £15.  Over the whole day I made roughly £70 however still have alot of stock remaining!  This was far more than i expected it to be!

Here are is a collage i have created with a few photo's of the day :) 

Chloe X

Monday 2 June 2014

Bag Packing at Sainsbury's..

Last weekend I did my first group fundraiser.  There were six of us and we all bag packed at Sainsbury's.

We got there for 9 O'clock and we bagged packed until 12:30pm.  Most customers made kind donations, and it made us all roughly £53 each.

Thank You for reading

Chloe X

Car Boot Sale..

I am currently doing my GCSE's therefore this month haven't had much time to spend fundraising however I over the last few months I have been collecting various things such as things that me and my brother had grown out of or simply didn't want anymore.  I also had a few kind donations from family and friends which meant I had even more to sell.

We set up our stall ready for 8:30, and the place was really busy as soon as we arrived!  After about 4 hours we had sold a reasonable amount making about £50.  I was very impressed with this as we weren't selling things for very much (£1-£5), and as this was only a little fundraiser.

Thank You to all those who donated.

Chloe X

Sponsored Walk..

On good Friday, a friend and I walked a full marathon plus an extra 4 miles, as a fundraiser.  We walked at total of 30 miles over the day.  On our hike we walked throughout the New Forest.

We did this fundraiser in fancy dress and we chose to dress up as fairies in walking boots!

Kayleigh and I : Before we set off.
We started walking at 6:30 in the morning, because we didn't want to be walking too long in the sun.   
The first 10 miles went very well and we walked at a quick pace as we knew our mum's were going to be at the checkpoint with hot bacon rolls!

After our quick break we were due to walk another 6 miles until we got to our next checkpoint for lunch.  However we went on a slight accidental detour and walked an extra 4 miles.

When we finished we were tired but pleased we had completed a full marathon!  
This was us walking through our finish line and celebrating afterwards!

In total the marathon walk raised me just over £1,500 towards my total £4,000! Thank you everyone who sponsored me!

Chloe X

Quiz Night..

Me and my friend Kayleigh did a Quiz night in March earlier on this year.  We had a total of 120 people attend, which raised us about £240 each.  At the quiz night we sold teas and coffees with cakes and sweets which we had made.

We also had a raffle of which all the prizes had been kindly donated by local businesses.  As well as this we also played some games such as heads and tails, where each person playing paid £1 to participate and the winner won £20!  We also had a Bingo game which most people had a go at too.

Me calling out the Bingo numbers.

Kayleigh giving a ThankYou Speech

There were so many people.
Thank You to all that came and supported us.

Chloe X

My Fundraising Story So Far..

I signed up to go to Borneo in November last year, therefore have had just over 6 out of my total 18 months to fund raise.  In this time I have raised just over £2,000. 'HALF WAY!'

My first event was a Christmas sale at an Infant school in my local area.  This fundraiser earnt me some money (about £15), but it was mainly paying back my mum for all the stock, so this year I can sell it and make full profit.

Kayleigh and I : Christmas Fate
My friend Kayleigh who is also fundraising to go to Borneo did another little fundraiser with me which was putting leaflets through peoples doors.  We got paid to do this by a local business man!

We have also been busy baking cakes for our parent's work.  And at Christmas time we decorated them all Christmassy these were a great success.

In March I had a girls night!

 In preparation for the girls night I made lots of different things which I could sell.

Some of these were:
   1. Bracelets
   2. Bagged Sweets
   3. Earrings
   4. Novelty Chocolates
   5. Candles

As well as this I also wrote to some local businesses explaining what I was doing and was kindly given some donations for me to be able to do a raffle as well.

Here is a photo of me with my fully prepared table for the girls night fundraiser.

In total the fundraiser earnt me about £120.

Sweet Sales at School..

During the first few months of fundraising, my main fund raiser was selling sweets and chocolate at school.  And what I did was buy sweets in bulk and divide them all into bags to sell to pupils at my school.  My first sweet sale earnt me over £90.  I also melted chocolate into novelty things such as pizza slices, mice, hearts for valetines day etc, and I also made some sugar mice and coconut ices.  These all sold really well.  

Sorry this was a really long post, but I have done an array of different fundraisers which have been earning me money for my expedition and I wanted to display as many as possible! 

Thank You for reading 

Chloe X